Wednesday, August 11, 2010

MATERIALS (for each necklace)

30" Leather lacing, approximately (Suede Cord)
7 Translucent blue pony beads
1 White pony bead
glue, optional


Fold the lacing in half and hold on to the folded end.
Push on 2 blue beads on the folded end. Leave a small amount of lacing below the blue beads.
Put one blue bead on each piece of the leather lacing (from the other end).
Push on the remainder (3) of the blue beads onto the leather lacing on both strings.
Tie the two ends of the leather lacing together in a knot.
Push 2 of the blue beads towards the knot. (see photo)
Push the other blue bead that is on both strings towards the beads that are individually strung.
Place a white bead sideways (open ends between the 2 blue beads) and then push the double strung blue bead down until it tightens the necklace to hold the white bead in place.
You may add glue if you wish to hold the white bead in.

Tips:  There is not a bead at the bottom of the necklace. One parent's blue beads have stayed on and have not needed anything at the bottom (an individually strung bead could be placed at the bottom). You may glue the white bead in place if you wish.

Hands to work, hearts to God,

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